As much as I wish I had the time to troll the internet (of which I could be using right now to do so, but that's beside the point) in search of documentaries, I'd like to know what my humble reader(s) is(are) watching. And since my past entries have pretty much been kosher sausage fests, I'd like to choose a documentary with more of a feminine angle. I'm just going to say it: girls weird me out. I've never related to them aside from the boobs and Mao and think that maybe a documentary could act as an ersatz "girlfren" and make me feel slightly less gauche about being a girl. Any suggestions to help me fill this psychosexual void (which used to be filled by Designing Women) or whatever would be much appreciated.
Documentary+ladies-the "p" word= sort of what I'm looking for at the moment.
I don't know how girly my suggestions will be, but I think I'm fairly girly for a fellow mostly-hangs-out-with-guys type of girl, so that has to count for something, right? A normal suggestion from a girly type of girl, doesn't it only make sense that it has to be at least somewhat girly by default? Even if it has nothing to do with girly things. I said girly too much. I hate myself.
ReplyDeleteSome of my favorite documentaries are as follows (I looked at my Netflix and these are the ones I rated five-stars): The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, The Cruise, The Bridge, The Up Series (which you already wrote about, so suck on that for being dude-ish), Crumb, Danielson: A Family Movie, Grey Gardens and The Beales of Grey Gardens (I'd say these are by far the girliest, you know, since it involves two ladies), Spellbound, Summercamp!, and Yellow Brick Road. So there you go.
Vagina, out.
Also, I haven't watched this documentary yet, but it's in my Netflix queue and seems super girly. It's called A Wink and a Smile: The Art of Burlesque and bonus if you have a Netflix account because it's on Watch Instantly. It's too bad you weren't doing this blog two-ish years ago when I was obsessed with documentaries, I feel like my suggestions would be more valid and specific to what you were asking for.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's time for Grey Gardens. Especially if girls weird you out. You can get it at the public library. And when you are ready for the boys again, time for "When We Were Kings."
ReplyDeleteGrey Gardens is good. Born Into Brothels would fit the bill as well.
ReplyDeleteAre you coming to MSLA for the Big Sky Doc Film Fest?