If my goal was to induce some kind of neurological malfunction from watching too many documentaries, I'd say I'm well on my way (despite the lack of writing about them, but I will eventually, really. I've been busy, okay. All six Leprechaun movies don't watch themselves). This next week I will try to devote most of them to text and possibly say something intelligent and thought provoking (albeit a stretch). I keep coming across lists and lists of documentaries that I want to watch. Here are a few that I'm really looking forward to writing about:
Please accept the minimal picture and link to trailer.
Please accept the minimal picture and link to trailer.

Mr. Death is fantastic. As well as the Thin Blue Line; The Fog of War; Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control; and everything else Errol Morris has ever done.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just watched Racing Dreams at the BSDFF. Whenever it gets a DVD release, check it out. One of the best docs I've ever seen.